Do you have an untold victim story tormenting your life?
You’re not alone.

But how many of us dare to face the vulnerability, bare the shame, resurrect the painful past? In this transformational guide to therapeutic freedom, former defiant, untreated victim-turned-psychotherapist Christopher Loeffler shows us how to:
remove the corrosive shame and piece together the fragmented victim story
name the offender to liberate numbed feelings and establish healthy boundaries
create a profound new self-empathy and a more hopeful worldview
In this compelling, breakthrough self-help/memoir, Loeffler explores the arc of recovery – the passage from victim to survivor to advocate. In a series of vivid, real-world cases stories, he draws from his active practice and his own turbulent life experience. Leading with My Thin Chin concludes with two original techniques — Shame Transformation and The Emancipation Process — sure to jumpstart the healing process. You can work these independently at your own pace or with a therapist to crystalize the therapy experience.
Available in paperback and eBook

No more wondering or thrashing about. “Thin Chin” points the way to your answer. You will want to do the work. Why?
Because you will relate to the stories, the storyteller, and the process itself. You will understand quickly how shame and guilt hold us all hostage to the pain of old, untold victim stories. You will grasp how Shame Transformation allows us to distinguish pro-active, pro-social guilt from the “soul barnacles” that shame breeds. And, finally, you will realize how expressing our vulnerability actually strengthens, not weakens, us, freeing us to be whole and authentic people.
You then will revel in the liberation allowed by The Emancipation Process as you recognize how our self-images are formed early in life. You will see how they can keep us trapped in holding onto family secrets and denying who we really are and can be. Best of all, these self-images can change. In examining the following pages, you will absorb the recovery process and bring the tools illustrated into your heart or your therapist’s office, determined to find the serenity, detachment, and goodwill that recovery finally allows.
“At a time of fear and polarization, wondering what’s fake and what’s real, experiencing emotional contagion, trauma fatigue, entropy, and heightened cynicism (a coping strategy), all of us need to get in touch with and voice our own victim stories, as well as to hear each other’s.”
“How much worldwide damage continues to be perpetrated by people offending from the “one-down victim” position?”
Both quotes from Why this book now? page 5

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